Our Goal for 2024: $70,000

At CPC of Lenawee, your generous contribution will go towards the many services we provide at no cost to our clients, such as pregnancy tests, pregnancy options counseling, limited ultrasounds, abortion recovery care, Earn While You Learn (EWYL) Parenting Program, Fatherhood Program, Life Skills classes, prenatal education, sexual health, relationship education, supervised visitations, material assistance, and community referrals.
By giving to the CPC of Lenawee, you are giving to a local ministry that uses every opportunity as a divine appointment to share the Good News with individuals right here in our community.
How you can participate:
1. Fill a baby bottle with your cash, checks and change and return to CPC or your local church.
2. Click to give virtually: Donate Here
3. Mail checks, payable to CPC of Lenawee, to 308 North Broad St. Adrian, MI 49221
4. You can stop in at CPC, we would love to see you and give you a tour!