Mother's Day through Father's Day



CPC of Lenawee has been changing and saving lives since 1984!


How you can participate:

1. Fill a baby bottle with your cash, checks and change and return to CPC or your local church.

2. Click to give virtually: Donate Here

3. Mail checks, payable to CPC of Lenawee, to 308 North Broad St. Adrian, MI 49221

4. Stop in at CPC. We would love to see you and give you a tour!


Click below to download promotional materials or view our video.


Since 1984 CPC of Lenawee has been providing Christian Care to elevate God’s plan for the sacredness of life, sexuality, and the family in our community, promoting life-affirming decisions and optimal health for men, women, and families in our community.

At CPC of Lenawee, your generous contribution will go towards the many services we provide at no cost to our clients, such as pregnancy tests, pregnancy options counseling, limited ultrasounds, abortion recovery care, Earn While You Learn (EWYL) Parenting Program, Fatherhood Program, Life Skills classes, prenatal education, sexual health, relationship education, supervised visitations, material assistance, and community referrals.